Ghoza Nada Iqbal



I am an undergraduate Informatics student. I consider myself as a hard working, on time, and optimistic person. In social life, I am an active person easy-going, and good at teamwork. I love meeting new people and discussing issues.


Web Developer.

I’m from Indonesia and I interesting as a Full Stack Web Developer. I had internship for a lecturer project as a UI/UX Designer and Information System, then I had intern at a book publishing company 'Tiga Serangkai' for 5 months since November 2021, and then I had intern in metaverse start-up which called Festivo Metaverse Taskforce as Full Stack Web Developer for 6 months since February 2022. And right now I am looking forward to collaborate with you!

  • Student: Sebelas Maret University
  • Email:
  • Freelance: Available

Why Hire Me?


I have participated in the organization and event committee during my education. I have a positive vibes, and good in relationship


I can work within a team, collaborate well with developers because I’m frontend-end myself, and I love feedbacks.


I communicate what I struggle to make all crystal clear. I can communicate my ideas well, proven by my videos.

Team Work

I have a team outside as a developer. I like cooperation and communication with each other.


I have mastered several skills so that we can work together as a team. And some of my skills have been certified.

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • MySQL/SQL Server (Certified by MTA: Database Fundamentals)

  • PHP

  • Transaction/Midtrans
  • JavaScript

  • Laravel

  • Code Igniter

  • Figma

  • RESTful API



Multimedia Division

Podcast Campus in UNS | June 2021 to February 2022

  • Designs content for social media
  • Engineering Audio weekly for social media content
  • Concepting project with requirements of the Conditions

Staff Event of PKKMB UNS Mahasura Muda

Sebelas Maret University | April 2020 to September

  • National Record of the most participantvirtual papermob formation
  • Full handle productions streaming

Staff Event of PINGFEST 2020

Himaster UNS | April 2020 to August

  • Event Conceptor


SMAN 7 Kediri

2016 - 2019

Bachelor of Computer Science, Sebelas Maret University

2019 - 2023

Professional Experience

Festivo Metaverse Taskforce (PT Semesta Realitas Indonesia)

Internship, February 2022 to July

  • Full Stack Web Developer

PT Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri

Internship, November 2021 to March 2022

  • Full Stack Web Developer

Balai Diklat Industri Denpasar, Ministry of Industry

Training as Junior Web Programmer, November 2021

  • Competent, Certified by LSP TIK Indonesia

PT. Semangat Inovasi Anak Bangsa

Internship, March 2021 to November

  • UI/UX Designer
  • Information System

Helpdesk SM UNS 2021

June 2021 to August

Assistant Lecturer of Programming Concept

September 2020 to December


Himaster UNS as Talent Staff

March 2020 to January 2021


Manasik Maya

Kembang Temu
